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build() - Static method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Configuration
Create a configuration with default settings.
build() - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Configuration.Builder
Build a Configuration from the provided settings.
buildClientFactory() - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Configuration
Build a ClientFactory for this configuration.
builder() - Static method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Configuration
Create a configuration builder.


Client<T> - Class in uk.co.blackpepper.bowman
Class for retrieving, persisting and deleting annotated entity instances via remote hal+json resources.
ClientFactory - Class in uk.co.blackpepper.bowman
Factory class for creating Clients.
ClientProxyException - Exception in uk.co.blackpepper.bowman
An exception thrown by a failure to create or navigate the proxies generated by a Client.
ClientProxyException(String) - Constructor for exception uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.ClientProxyException
ClientProxyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.ClientProxyException
Configuration - Class in uk.co.blackpepper.bowman
Class encapsulating the user-provided configuration of a HAL ClientFactory.
Configuration.Builder - Class in uk.co.blackpepper.bowman
Fluent builder for Configuration instances.
configure(ObjectMapper) - Method in interface uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.ObjectMapperConfigurer
configure(RestTemplate) - Method in interface uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.RestTemplateConfigurer
Apply some further configuration to the RestTemplate following its initialisation.
create(Class<T>) - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.ClientFactory
Create a Client for the given annotated entity type.
createContextual(DeserializationContext, BeanProperty) - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.InlineAssociationDeserializer


delete(URI) - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Client
DELETE the entity at the given URI.
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.InlineAssociationDeserializer


get() - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Client
GET a single entity from the entity's base resource (determined by the class's RemoteResource annotation).
get(URI) - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Client
GET a single entity located at the given URI.
getAll() - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Client
GET a collection of entities from the entity's base resource (determined by the class's RemoteResource annotation).
getAll(URI) - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Client
GET a collection of entities from the given URI.
getBaseUri() - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Configuration
Get the base URI for this configuration.
getClientHttpRequestFactory() - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Configuration
Get the ClientHttpRequestFactory for this configuration.
getLinkName() - Method in exception uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.NoSuchLinkException
getObjectMapperConfigurer() - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Configuration
Get the ObjectMapperConfigurer for this configuration.
getRestTemplateConfigurer() - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Configuration
Get the RestTemplateConfigurer for this configuration.


InlineAssociationDeserializer<T> - Class in uk.co.blackpepper.bowman
A Jackson deserializer to properly handle inline associations in an annotated entity type.


JacksonClientModule - Class in uk.co.blackpepper.bowman
A module for handling serialization of Bowman annotated classes.
JacksonClientModule() - Constructor for class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.JacksonClientModule


LinkedResource - Annotation Type in uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.annotation
Annotation to mark a property as a linked rather than inline association.


NoSuchLinkException - Exception in uk.co.blackpepper.bowman
An exception thrown when no link could be found for a linked association.


ObjectMapperConfigurer - Interface in uk.co.blackpepper.bowman
Interface supporting the configuration of the Jackson ObjectMapper which is used internally by the Client.
optionalLink() - Method in annotation type uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.annotation.LinkedResource


patch(URI, Object) - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Client
PATCH (partial update) of the entity at the given URI.
post(T) - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Client
POST the given entity to the entity's base resource (determined by the class's RemoteResource annotation).
put(T) - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Client
PUT the given entity to the entity's base resource (determined by the class's RemoteResource annotation).


rel() - Method in annotation type uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.annotation.LinkedResource
RemoteResource - Annotation Type in uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.annotation
Class-level annotation to define the path of an entity's collection resource.
resolveType(Class<T>, Links, Configuration) - Method in interface uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.TypeResolver
Get the type to use for a resource.
ResourceId - Annotation Type in uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.annotation
Annotation to mark a property as the entity's URI ID.
ResourceTypeInfo - Annotation Type in uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.annotation
Class-level annotation to define the narrowing polymorphic deserialization strategy for properties (or property collection items) of this type.
ResourceTypeInfo.NullTypeResolver - Interface in uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.annotation
RestTemplateConfigurer - Interface in uk.co.blackpepper.bowman
Interface supporting the configuration of the Spring RestTemplate used internally by the Client.


serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.NoSuchLinkException
setBaseUri(String) - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Configuration.Builder
setBaseUri(URI) - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Configuration.Builder
Set the base URI of the created configuration.
setClientHttpRequestFactory(ClientHttpRequestFactory) - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Configuration.Builder
Set the ClientHttpRequestFactory for the created configuration.
setObjectMapperConfigurer(ObjectMapperConfigurer) - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Configuration.Builder
Set the ObjectMapperConfigurer for the created configuration.
setRestTemplateConfigurer(RestTemplateConfigurer) - Method in class uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.Configuration.Builder
Set the RestTemplateConfigurer for the created configuration.
subtypes() - Method in annotation type uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.annotation.ResourceTypeInfo
The subtypes to consider in polymorphic deserialization of properties involving this type.


typeResolver() - Method in annotation type uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.annotation.ResourceTypeInfo
A custom narrowing type resolution strategy to use in polymorphic deserialization of properties (or property collection items) of this type.
TypeResolver - Interface in uk.co.blackpepper.bowman
Narrowing type resolution strategy.


uk.co.blackpepper.bowman - package uk.co.blackpepper.bowman
uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.annotation - package uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.annotation


value() - Method in annotation type uk.co.blackpepper.bowman.annotation.RemoteResource
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